Daylight Guaranteed Services gives you two ways to manage risk
Why would you want a money-back guarantee from an LTL carrier with Daylight’s consistent on-time delivery record? Sometimes you need extra peace of mind, and sometimes you need extra speed.
Daylight Urgent Care®: Arrival Day Guaranteed
Daylight Urgent Care® is a guarantee for Daylight’s standard expedited LTL service, which already averages 3 days faster than the competition. We deliver on the day we promise, with 100% reliability, or you pay nothing. Just write “Urgent Care” on the Bill of Lading. You pay a small premium, we take full responsibility.
Daylight Critical Care: Arrival Time and Day Guaranteed
For your super-hot emergencies, when you need delivery even faster than Daylight’s expedited standard, ask for Daylight Critical Care. We will get it there as fast as necessary, or your money back. Both the arrival time and day are guaranteed. Avoid the cost of air or, in a pinch, we’ll send by air if that’s the only option.
Watch video about Guaranteed Expedited LTL Services